Driving Licence Verification and Checking lets you verify and check any driving licence of any type anywhere in Pakistan.
- Easy to use CNIC based input for licence verification
- Verification data is presented in a user friendly table
- Fast operation, with minimum ads
Driving Licence Verification and Checking data is available for the following Provinces / Departments:
- Punjab
- Islamabad
- Sindh (website version)
- Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
- Balochistan
- National Highway and Motorway Police
The data is taken from the publicly available databases of the relevant licence verification websites of respective province:
- Islamabad -> https://islamabadpolice.gov.pk:8082/
- Punjab -> https://dlims.punjab.gov.pk/verify/
- Sindh -> https://dls.gos.pk/online-verification.html
Motorway Police -> http://dla.nhmp.gov.pk/LicVerification.aspx
This application has no official link with the Government of Pakistan and the verification information presented in this application is taken directly from the respective websites of the concerned driving licence departments. The author of this application assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content thus displayed and it does not reflect the genuineness of the licences.